Sunday, August 12, 2007

PM calls Left's bluff on N-deal

The comrades have been opposing every move of the UPA Govt, ever since it formed the coalition at the centre. Whether it is 123 Agreement with the US, the disinvestment in loss making PSUs or the choice of propective candidates for India's presidency. Why are they supporting it from the outside at all if they are opposed to every move of the UPA remains a mystery. Next, they will be objecting to Manmohan Singh having a quiet dinner with his family at home. The Prime Minister has rightly called their bluff and put them in their place this once.

Prakash Karat's contention that the deal does not enjoy majority support in Parliament lacks credibility. If it was true, why have the comrades let it pass when the PM has chosen to snub them to their red faces.

1 comment:

Saurabh J. Madan said...

Dr Manmohan has done a very good thing by calling the Left's bluff. It is high time Indian democracy demonstrated that it is not so fragile as to be brought down by threats by polititians. What is the meaning of democracy if the CPI employs a method of coersion.

Any political party that places its views above the values of democracy must be made to pay a price during its election.