Sunday, August 12, 2007

What is the minimum education level a political leader must have?

If there are minimum educational qualification laid down for other govt jobs, there is no reason why there should be none for people into whose hands the destiny of India is going to rest. How can they make laws without elementary educational backing? The minimum educational qualifications become higher for more responsible jobs. The politicians have the highest resposibilities and must conform to the standards of education they lay down for lesser mortals in other jobs. A minimum of post graduate level must be mandatory for them to contest elections.

The degrees held by them must not be honrary ones like most them manage to obtain for themselves and their kin.

1 comment:

Saurabh J. Madan said...

One one hand, it is very right that education is a must for any lawmaker at the same time, we must also look at the quality of our educational institutions. Baring a minority, the quality of graduates we produce is almost as bad as the quality of polititians that govern this country.