Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Madarsa Monitor

There is no doubting the intention of the UPA Govt and the benefits of the proposed National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI) being set up. However, the political parties and prominant muslim individuals and organisations must take up the cudgels to convince Indian muslims of the viability and usefulness of the proposal. This can, ofcourse, happen when there are no political browny points being counted, no political equations being drawn and the sole purpose of the endeavour is to steer larger Indian interests towards a future we can all be proud of. Generating positive opinion about the scheme has to come from solid conviction of the good it can bring about. Any ulterior motive camouflaged behind the seemingly noble scheme would be counter productive and is likely to do more damage than the good it was ever designed to.

Whether the breed of politicians that we currently have is able to put aside personal or party interests/differences and work for a better India is a moot point; and one that can be debated till the cows come home. A case in point is the sudden clamber among politicians to get on the Mandal II bandwagon to improve their vote statistics in any election. There are those who have been in politics for over four decades, and whose utility to the nation had finally begun to dawn on the people, who have only just discovered their love for the country's downtrodden; only to remain relevant in their chosen profession and to serve their personal political ambitions.

Even in such environs and with such people at the helms of affairs, like our Prime Minister says, maybe this is another idea whose time has come.

1 comment:

Saurabh J. Madan said...

I agree .. India is a coutry of unbelievable contradictions. It is only here that wretched polititians and sincere hopes exist together.