Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Land Dispute Army and Civilian Authorities

Found another report on the same issue:


Why single out Gujarat for encroachment on Army land when the story is the same in almost all the states ? I do not have the exact statistics with me but have seen evidence of this whereever I ahve gone. The Civil Military Liaision Conferrences (CMLC) are held more as a social event than working out solutions to tricky problems. If at all, prblems of the civil administration take precedence over those faced by the defence forces.

Strategic issues are normally left for the higher echlons in the govt and defence forces to sort out. Once in a while international conflicts do act as waking up calls, but these are generally relegated to oblivion once the conflict is resolved. So much for our long term planning. unfortunately, this attitude is not reserved just for Army land, but is vividly seen in all areas of administrative responsibilty.

Keywords: "Indian Army"

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